Download Trim Healthy Mama Journey APK - Playnewapps

Download Free Apk - Trim Healthy Mama Journey

What is Trim Healthy Mama?

Trim Healthy Mama is an android app that offers food recipes for all. It is a lot of yes! Trim Healthy Mama does not say “no” to any food group. It is not a “No” plan . . . it is a "Yes" plan. Get all three essential macronutrients: Proteins, fats, and carbs, all while trimming yourself to a healthy weight.  You'll be so busy enjoying all your "yes" foods all day long that you'll barely have time to dwell on the ones you’re avoiding. So, let's quickly get them out of the way. There are only a couple of them.

Welcome to your journey!

Your journey is uniquely yours and this is where you can journal each step, set your goals, track your meals, track your progress, find inspiration from others, compare your progress photos, and much more!
Start by seeing who else is here! Get inspired by following other moms and seeing what they share. Then set your personal goals and start recording your meals. You can share each meal on the THM Home Feed where your followers will see them or you can keep them in your private journal. Take frequent side-by-side selfies and comparison photos to stay motivated!
Create reminders for yourself if you want to space out your meals or remember to drink those syrups!
Do you feel lost, tempted, or demotivated? Just press the panic button and listen to the heartwarming and inspiring sounds from us your founding sisters Serene and Pearl. (❤️,❤️)

Things To Avoid:

Sugar and white flour (which is actually sugar in your bloodstream) are eliminated. You can do it!


• S (satisfying) meals focus on fat for fuel.
• E (energy) meals focus on carbohydrates for fuel.
• FP (Fuel Pull) meals do not focus on fat or carbohydrates (these foods can accompany any type of meal).
• XO (Crossover) meals focus on both fat and carbohydrates.


• Separate fats and carbohydrates for weight loss.
• Make sure every meal contains protein.
• Don't neglect your vegetables - they are part of your everyday meals!
• Juggle your fuels - don't get into a rut. Enjoy foods from all food groups!

Use our free food analysis app to determine which foods are which fuel or check out the food listings in our books! For more details on how it all works, check out the Trim Healthy Starter or the Trim Healthy Plan Book.


Separating out fats and carbs doesn't last forever! Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or want to maintain their weight should take advantage of certain XO meals. Even enjoying a few XO meals here and there during the weight loss seasons is also acceptable. Your trip is yours and may not be like everyone's ... so find your own pace and what works for you and ride with it! Remember this is a beautiful trip. Give yourself a lot of grace and a lot of time to reach the finish line. It is not a fast race, but a slow, steady and incredibly happy race.

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