AppLock APK Free Download

AppLock APK Free Download
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AppLock is a lightweight app that lets you lock almost any type of file on your Android. The most basic feature locks your applications so nobody can access or uninstall them, but you can lock photographs, videos, and even contacts and individual messages.

The application works in a very simple way. First, you have to create a numeric password to unlock the application you want to protect. From that moment on, every time that app is opened, it will require you to insert the password you have defined. Even if another user tries to uninstall it, this password window will not allow it.

The best thing about this app is that you can even hide its icon so nobody knows that you have it installed on your device, though they'll figure it out if it asks them to insert the corresponding password.

• Lock apps with password, pattern, or fingerprint lock.
• Vault: hide pictures and videos
• Well-designed Themes
• Incognito browser: no history record
• Private SNS: log in multiple accounts
• Intruder Selfie: take photos of invaders.
• Customized background, select a favorite picture
• Customized Profiles: set different locked app groups
• Time Lock: auto-lock/unlock according to time
• Location Lock: auto-lock/unlock according to location
• Hide AppLock icon
• Advanced Protection: prevent AppLock being killed by task killer
• Random keyboard: prevent people peeping pin code
• Force stopped cover
• Lock switch (WiFi, Bluetooth, mobile data, sync)
• AppLock widget: enable/disable AppLock with one tap
• Quick lock switch: Lock/unlock in notification bar
• Lock incoming calls
• Lock system settings to prevent a mess by kids
• Allow a brief exit: no need password, pattern, fingerprint again within set time
• Prevent uninstalling apps
• Low memory usage.
• Power saving mode

AppLock uses the Device Administrator permission.
To enable Advanced Protection, please activate AppLock as "device administrator". It's only used for preventing intruders uninstalling AppLock.
AppLock uses Accessibility service.
To enable Power saving mode, please allow Accessibility services. The service is only used to remind users with disabilities to unlock apps and reduce battery usage.

Please be assured that AppLock will never use these permissions to access your private data.


★ With AppLock, you will:
Never worry about parents check your Snapchat,!
Never worry about friends borrow your phone to play games with mobile data again!
Never worry about a workmate gets your phone to look the gallery again!
Never worry about someone reads private data in your apps again!
Never worry about kids mess up Settings, send wrong messages, paying games again!

Get your hidden gallery, secret browser, private SNS with AppLock!

1)How to change password?
Open AppLock, Protect, Unlock Settings

2)How to open hidden AppLock? 
There are two ways:
1. Enter #password in dial pad, and tap call button.
2. Open in the browser.

3)How to stop uninstalling AppLock?
Please enable Advanced Protection in Protect of AppLock, so nobody can uninstall or kill AppLock without password. You can disable Advanced Protection when you don't want it. 

4)I forgot my password, How to find it?
Update to the latest version first. And then tap AppLock icon, click the icon at top right corner of lock page, tap 'forgot password'.
1. Security answer: enter security answer, click 'reset password'.
2. Security email: click 'send code to security email', input reset code, click 'reset password'.
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